相关相似better safe than sorry───小心不出大错;宁可事先谨慎有余,不要事后追悔莫及
in more ways than one───(所说的话)不止一个意思;在很多方面适用
better late than never───亡羊补牢;迟做比不做好
双语场合用语Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.───防蚊叮咬好说难做。
We talk about reducing our costs, but it's easier said than done.───我们谈如何降低成本, 但说起来容易,做起来就难了.
A : I know I should give up smoking, but easier said than done.───我知道应该戒烟, 但说起来容易做起来难.
I want to ask her out, but it's easier said than done.───我想约她出来, 可是说起来容易做起来难啊.
Take your time. You know that easier said than done.───别着急,慢慢来. 你知道,说起来轻松,做起来难.
Letting go of resistance is easier said than done.───放弃抵抗说的容易,做的难.
Often that is easier said than done.───往往说起来容易做起来难。
Easier said than done . 72. How late are you open?───说是容易做时难. 你们营业到几点?
It's easier said than done.───说起来容易做起来难.
But to build a clean car is easier said than done.───但制造绿色环保汽车要比说难得多.
This is easier said than done in white light but it's well worth trying.───在白光下,做起来要比上面所说的难一些,但仍值得试试.
Easier said than done, however.───不过,做比说要难。
That is absolutely right, but easier said than done.───那是完全正确的, 却是易于言难于行.
Yet launching a Europe - wide stress test is easier said than done.───然而,在全欧洲发起压力测试说起来容易,做起来难.
But it's easier said than done, some people always up the challenge.───但说起来容易做起来难.有的人就是敢于挑战自我.
Easier said than done.───[谚]说来容易做来难.
However, it is easier said than done. Practice is the most factor.───不过, 话说起来易,事做起来难. 实践才是最重要的.