相关相似evening up───平仓;轧平
lining up───排队
living up───v.快乐地过日子
lightening up───放松,不要生气
loosening up───放松肌肉;松弛;信口开河;慷慨解囊
covering up───掩盖,盖住
dividing up───瓜分;分割;分配
divvying up───分摊
giving up───放弃;淹没
双语场合用语Some Suggestions for livening up the Festival seem less than helpful.───一些活跃节日气氛的建议看来帮助较小。
You look as if you need livening up!───你看起来好像需要提提精神!
Attention D.C. residents: you know that bamboo plant livening up your office?───华盛顿特区的居民同胞们,请大家注意了:你们知道那点缀你办公室的竹子吗?
Some suggestions for livening up the Festival seem less than helpful. They miss the point of the affair.───一些活跃节日气氛的建议看来帮助较小。他们没有抓住这项活动的精神。
AFTER years of sleaze and stagnation central European politics is livening up.───经过多年的混乱与停滞之后,中欧政坛开始恢复生机。
Attention D. C. residents: You know that bamboo plant livening up your office?───华盛顿特区的居民同胞们,请大家注意了:你们知道那点缀你办公室的竹子吗?
She wore a loose long-sleeved T-shirt with short pants along with black walkers and a cap, livening up her style.───宽松长袖T恤、牛仔热裤、黑色靴子和鸭舌帽,使她的造型瞬间活跃起来。
livening up the atmosphere are stalls where you can play games or have your fortune told───夜市路上也掺杂各式游戏算命摊位,有吃又有玩。
英语场合用语But nowadays there are many opportunities for livening up your presentation with audio visual aids.
You look as if you need livening up!
Great for livening up otherwise boring presentations.